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Netbook vs Notebook

Lenovo T60 notebook kantor sehari hari yang gw pake. Performancenya sih bagus walaupun baterainya udah sekarat *namanya jg punya kantor dan dari tangan kesekian pula* tapi yang bikin males adalah beratnya. Sementara namanya engineer kan mobile sana sini berattttt bawa itu tas laptop dengan external hdd plus cooler bag plus bawa bekel.

Jadi gw mengajukan proposal ama laki gw buat beli yang lebih ringan. Chaca sih setuju2 aja terus hasil tengok sana sini browsing sana sini akhirnya gw menemukan perbedaan 3 perangkat yang akan mencoba menggantikan si lenovo ketika gw mobile sana sini

Netbook vs Notebook

taken from here but with some comments from me..

Size And Weight
Netbooks are relatively smaller in size with a display screen measuring between 7 to 12 inches whereas notebooks have a screen size of 12 to 17 inches. The keyboard of a netbook is also 80% to 90% smaller in size than a notebook’s key board. These are energy efficient small computers, lighter in weight comparing to a notebook; only 2 to 3 pounds.

Untuk point ini jelas pemenangnya adalah netbook yaa karena yang gw cari kan yang sizenya lebih kecil

Multi Tasking
Capable of high loaded tasks and running multiple applications is what notebooks can do whereas, neither netbooks are capable of multi tasking nor can they handle heavy applications. These are incapable of running programs like photo/images and video editing softwares. In comparison, notebooks can work efficiently while running these.

Untuk point ini yang menang adalah notebook karena bisa handle software2 kelas berat.  

Notebooks are able to perform straining technical jobs, though these tasks consume more battery. With a notebook, one can enjoy connecting to the net through landline telephone (cable modem telephone port), Wi-Fi Cards and a USB enabling to establish net connection. While the notebooks are coming without Ethernet port (enables connection through DSL or cable modem).

Gw ga ngerti apa gw yang salah nangkep cuma mungkin ada kesalahan di kata notebook yang gw tandain (warna merah) sepertinya maksudnya netbook karena dibilang bisa "connecting to the net". Jadi kesimpulannya kalo kita akan sering pake untuk surfing internet netbook jadi preferable. Untuk point yang ini yah emang perlu sih, jadi point ini melihat ke arah keperluan gw mengacu ke netbook yaa..

Battery Life
Previously both had almost similar battery life. With the developments going on, both compete with each other in this regard. Samsung’s NC110 offers 8hrs battery life and NC310 offers 11hrs. Notebooks like 17-inch MacBook Pro claim 8hrs, EliteBook 6930p from Hp is claimed to offer an amazing 24hrs battery life. The notebooks which are coming with less battery time, say 2 hours, can be replaced with extended batteries, increasing the time, which is a sure win over the netbooks.

Nah untuk yang point ini emang netbook juaranya karena gw suka lupa ngecharge n sering pergi2 :)

External Drives
There are no CD/DVD drives in a netbook; you cannot play a CD/DVD on it. Though, movies and music can be enjoyed through a hard drive. All the notebooks provide these facilities.

Kalo untuk yang ini emang notebook juaranya tapi yaa kalo bisa disimpen di hdd n dijalanin pake movie player masih bisa juga nikmatin film di netbook. Tapi menurut gw ini ga terlalu penting..

A netbook can run Windows XP Home and Linux easily, while to run Vista it needs more power. It has been recently announced by Microsoft that it will be coming up with Windows7 for netbooks. Though personalized versions of Linux, Mac OS or Windows XP Professional can be used to get maximum out of the netbook. Notebooks have no problem with any version of Windows.

Seperti yang udah bisa dibilang emang kalo software kelas kakap mending pake notebooks aja. Gw udah lama jg si ga menjajaki software2 baru kaya jaman kuliah dulu. Jadi untuk point ini Notebook is the winner


The processors integrated in netbooks are not capable of handling heavy JavaScript sites like as efficiently as a notebook. Netbooks come with a slow processor.

Untuk point ini yang menang kembali notebook karena jelaslah yaa notebook udah pasti lebih ngebut..

Price Levels
Netbooks can fall between $400 and $800, whereas notebooks are costlier than netbooks.

Kalo ini ya jelas ada harga ada rupa dengan kemampuan inti seperti software dan processor yang dipangkas otomatis netbook dijual dengan harga lebih murah.

  1. Netbooks focus on net-based tasks such as browsing, reading and writing e-mail or using web-based applications.
  2. Netbooks can be useful for a child as his first computer, whereas notebooks are sophisticated portable computers.
  3. As the netbook are capable of running Ms Office, it is quite handy for writers, editors or teachers.
Both notebooks and netbooks are portable computers. While looking at the details of specs, it is not difficult to evaluate which is the efficient one.

Kesimpulan versi gw setelah menimbang sepertinya akan jatuh ke netbook karena :
  1.  notebook udah ada punya kantor jadi ga perlu punya pribadi
  2. ringan itu adalah tujuan utama dan itu ada di netbook *karena bulan depan mau mulai naek kereta lagi neh*
  3. baterai yang tahan lama sesuai dengan mobilitas bogor jakarta
Sekarang yang dilakukan tinggal survey netbook yang recommended! Mari browsing kembali..

Oooo iya selain itu jg gw sempet mempertimbangkan pengen banget beli iPad tapi karena satu dan laen hal alias tentangan banyak pihak hahahaha,,, jadinya ga jadi tapi gw pernah googling review netbook vs ipad disini

But honestly gw masih pengen beli iPad hehe,,, cuma karena ga dikasih yaudahdeh,, :p


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