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Showing posts from November, 2011

NSN Hiking Day 2011 - Taipei

-- 12 November 2011 -- Destination 1 (DongYan Mountain Recreation Park) The Donyan Mountain Forest Recreation Park, situated between the borders of Fuxing Township and the Taipei County, got its name because the shape of the mountain is like big eyes that look into the east. The entire recreation park, occupying nearly 1,000 hectares, is the biggest forest recreation area in Northern Taiwan. Since it is about 1,000 meters above the sea level, fir trees have become the most important species in the forest area. Birds, insects, and rare plants here make Dongyan Mountain a good place for interaction between parents and children as well as a good place to conduct ecological education. The best way to tour the Dongyan Mountain is to take to the garden-tour foot trail. The forestry bureau gives away free tour guide folders. Follow the road signs, enjoy nature, and plunge yourself in the fun of pythoncidere spa. The Dongyan Forest Road below the tourist center leads to a fos...

First Doodle

SketchBook Express Notes: belajar buat doodle lewat youtube hihi.. Abis anaknya tidur, setrikaan udah kelar dunk dunk... dan males masak hehe..

Signs of Vestibular Dysfunctions

This article is taken from here - means Ghiffari has no sign  + means Ghiffari has sign  ? means Ghiffari never tried Vestibular Sense:  input from the inner ear about equilibrium, gravitational changes, movement experiences, and position in space. Signs Of Vestibular Dysfunction: 1. Hypersensitivity To Movement (Over-Responsive): - avoids/dislikes playground equipment; i.e., swings, ladders, slides, or merry-go-rounds - prefers sedentary tasks, moves slowly and cautiously, avoids taking risks, and may appear "wimpy" - avoids/dislikes elevators and escalators; may prefer sitting while they are on them or, actually get motion sickness from them + may physically cling to an adult they trust - may appear terrified of falling even when there is no real risk of it - afraid of heights, even the height of a curb or step - fearful of feet leaving the ground - fearful of going up or down stairs or walking on uneven surfaces - afraid of b...

Kunjungan ke Pediatric Rehabilitation #2

Senin kemarin kita mengunjungi dokter tumbuh kembang untuk yang kedua kalinya. Tujuan : Menanyakan apakah langkah memasukkan Ghiffari ke terapi musik sudah tepat Terapis Ghiffari minta untuk diadakan hearing test untuk make sure 100% Konsultasi hasil bacaan mengenai SID dan Vestibular Disfunction Cek perkembangan Ghiffari  Hasilnya Ternyata emang di record Ghiffari udah dicantumkan kalo dia sekarang sudah mulai ikut terapi musik, dan dokternya bilang itu udah bagus terapi musik sama seperti halnya play therapy mengedepankan agar si anak lebih terstimulasi mengkoordinasikan bagian bagian tubuhnya yang pastinya berhubungan dengan syarafnya.  Dari dokter kita langsung didaftarkan untuk hearing test dan kita dapat jadwal untuk kamis besok. Tapi untuk lapisan luar telinga sudah dicek oleh ENT (read: THT) dan hasilnya alhamdulillah baik. Besok yang perlu dicek adalah middle dan inner ear. Beberapa minggu terakhir gw selalu bolak balik baca  http://www.sensory-pro...

Spaghetti Day

Ghiffari Bisa...

Sebagai orang yang positif, mari kita lupakan sejenak apa yang Ghiffari belum bisa dan lihat apa yang dia sudah bisa :) Lari Dari sebelum pindah sebenernya udah suka lari-larian di rumah, tapi Ghiffari dulu di Indonesia kalo diajakin pergi-pergi jarang mau jalan sendiri, pengennya digendong. Kayak takut sama tempat asing gitu. Sesampainya disini, setiap hari kita ajak dia jalan. Awalnya sempet jalan sambil ngomel (bahasa bayi) lama lama dia lari cepet banget dan dia yang suka nentuin arah (demen banget ke supermarket) hehe.. Membedakan Kiri Kanan   Satu hari pas kita mau pergi gw sodorin sepatunya ke kaki kiri, terus dia ga mau, gw sempet agak "ini pake dunk sepatunya" dengan nada mulai naik, eh terus dia kasih kaki kanannya hehe.. ooo ternyata maksudnya kaki kanan dulu mah baru kaki kiri.. Good boy. Begitu pula kalo pake dan buka baju plus celana di kamar mandi :) Buka dan pasang sepatu sendiri Chaca selalu ribut setiap masuk apartment harus langsung buka s...

Now I know..

Sekarang akhirnya tau kenapa Ghiffari Suka jalan jinjit Susah dibuat tidur teratur walaupun sekarang udah lumayan teratur Suka muter muter  Cuek aja kalo disuruh dadah Sedikit banget kata yang keluar  Susah banget ngajarin anggota tubuh Jago amat maen puzzle Selasa kemarin, kita semua pergi ke   Taiwan Adventist Hospital . Ngecek tumbuh kembang Ghiffari ke  pediatrician and rehabilitation. Kita periksa ke dokter Chien Hsuang Huang. Rumah sakitnya bagus, bersih, rapih, lengkap. Kita langsung ngayal nanti kalo hamil lagi ke rumah sakit ini aja.. (OOT gini) Back to Ghiffari, sempet deg-degan setengah mati mau ke dokter, ngeri dokternya ga meyakinkan dll. Begitu dipanggil kita sodorin lah kertas dengan isi keluh kesah itu. Belum bisa ini dan itu yang disebut di baby centre atau di "How to expect toddler years". Dan keluhan utama kita adalah karena Ghiffari sering keliatan ga mendengar walaupun kita tau dia ga punya masalah pendengaran. Setelah baca li...

Late Talker or Receptive Language Disorders?

Ghiffari 23 months olds can't say bye bye or wave his hand hasn't able to point body part when asked  or understand simple command  and he has only very few words sometimes ignore when people calling his name Yes, he might be "just" a late talker but from the e-book "How to help your child learn to talk better in everyday activities"we have to take serious action as soon as possible. Late talker has many causes and one of them is Receptive Language Disorders (Delay) which means he doesn't understand words were saying so its hard for him to be able to talk (expressive language). Please google for more information. I cannot say he didn't understand at all... Some command might works such as "Please feed mommy those crackers" or  "gimme high five?" or  "shake your dad's hand"  but then most of commands are ignored Few words are coming from him like "mama", "nenen", "mam...